Can I add a logo to my vest, sleeve, or patch?

I do my own digitizing and am happy to work on customs.  In order for me to be able to use a logo or any trademarked or custom / copyright protected art, I will need to have written authorization from the trademark (or copyright) owner (mouse ears, characters, portraits, etc).  Here is an article on how to send over the written permission:

Depending on the complexity of the art, the complex add on may be required.  There is no need to purchase that ahead of time though.  I will reach out with options.

Remember, when coming up with design concepts:

• Have fun designing!
• Help Us Respect the Rights of Artists and Other Creatives; Only use art that you have permission to use (meaning you purchased rights or have written permission for use)

• DO NOT send me copyrighted or trademarked prints / or art without written permissions from the owner. Unacceptable content may include references to, or images from, a celebrity, fictional character, designer, business, company, film, tv show, band, sports team, book, product name, NFL, School Logos, Movie studio characters, Mouse ears, beverage logos, etc.  They will not be made, and your order may be canceled and refunded with a 10% service fee.
• Do NOT send me pictures of other shops work and ask me to recreate it
• Do NOT ask me to duplicate a piece of art without sending in written permission from the artist confirming that is allowed.


If you find an embroidery design or art online somewhere that you want me to use... please do not purchase it and send me the file.  Instead, please send me the link for review.  I will need to verify the sellers' terms and - if acceptable (they allow commercial usage) - I will purchase it myself so I will be able to legally use it.

It is important to realize, just because someone sells a file for download, that doesn't mean they allow it to be sent to someone else (me) to use without that person also purchasing it.  Most artist licenses do not extend to 3rd parties and only allow direct use by the actual person purchasing the download. For example, if you buy a file and were doing the embroidery and creation, it would be allowed, but since you would be sending me the file to use for embroidering and creation of gear.... it would not be allowed ***unless***I purchased the license as well.

If you did purchase a file and wish to use it on your gear, please reach out to the artist and obtain written permission for Patience and Love to use it on gear made for you.  Many will grant one time permission if they know what is intended.

The permission form is linked in this article:

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